Friday, September 21, 2007

Stroller Bandit

I was going through our vacation photos and I ran across these pictures. We were walking through Sea World and past a "show" where a bunch of strollers were parked. This little guy was literally hopping from stroller to stroller. He finally landed on this one and tore a hole right through the mesh in the pocket, through the baggie and was eating whatever it was that was in there. It was pretty funny. Here we were at "Sea World" and I'm taking photos of a squirrel!! Anyway thought it deserved some space on the blog!! So without further ado - The Stroller Bandit......


Chocolate Frogs said...

That's funny.

Anonymous said...

Between the Sea World squerrels and the Animal Kingdom goats...I tell you Disney is starving those animals.

Chocolate Frogs said...

Cool New banner.