Thursday, July 31, 2008

a perfect day...

This is the conversation after we spent the afternoon and early evening outside in the "pool" on the patio....
n: Mommy - it's a perfect day isn't it?
me: Indeed, it is.
n: Laying in the sun, my feet in the pool, the whole nine yards....perfect.
me: speechless
Where in the world did he get that and how did he know exactly when to say it??? Who is that boy where my toddler used to be? After we came inside and were changing our clothes, somehow he managed to get a starburst stuck to his keester and this was the observation....
n: Now that's a sticky situation!
He certainly keeps me laughing. It's always interesting to see what he has to say when were out and about like when the lady at the movies asked us if we wanted any candy with our popcorn and he promptly told her that our candy was in my purse! You just never know with him. A is starting to talk more and I'm sure that when it finally comes full circle I will be glad that I didn't know what she was saying for the past 6 months. She has her own little language. I need to get it on video before it goes away because it is pretty sweet. Speaking of A, here is the most recent picture of her....

And, a few more pics for the road from of N...


Chocolate Frogs said...

So funny!! Glad to see online is working again.

Ok I think you could sell that pix of the hands in front of the temple at Deseret Book.

Critchlow said...

There is a lot you could sell to DB. The whole nine yards and the enchalada.

So is there like a contest between this McCain and Obama? aka J and B?

Miss ya- beat you in pass anytime!

Chocolate Frogs said...

I like the new banner!!

Sunshine said...

Aren't kids fun?