Friday, January 23, 2009

giving in...

So I finally caved. I started and finished the Twilight series a few weeks ago and have to admit that it was excellent. It was very well written and easy to read. It was one I had a hard time putting down. I also liked the fact that I was able to read all four books in a quick sequence – I didn’t have to wait for the next one to come out so I was completely enthralled with it for about 2 weeks. I had to force myself to wait to read it at work so I would have something to do all night. So if anyone has any suggestions on another gripping series let me know…I’m looking. AND, I finally signed up for facebook since all my friends were on it…and I still have no idea what its purpose and I still haven’t quite figured out how to work it but I’m trying to learn and I’m finally on facebook.

Some friends came down last weekend and spent the day with us. It was so good to see them and we had so much fun. The kids especially enjoyed their visit but I think Duchess was the most excited to see them. Wishing we could together more often.

I guess since this blog is for my children to read one day I would regret not expressing my feelings on the recent inauguration of our 44th president. Although he was not my choice and I did not vote for him, I have high expectations of him and for all that he has said he wishes to accomplish. He is now my president and as an American he deserves my respect and cooperation. I watched the ceremony and I was filled with emotion and love for my country and what it stands for. It was truly an amazing event that should have made every American proud of their country and heritage. I am grateful to President Bush for all that he has accomplished in his 8 years as commander in chief. I feel he made the best decisions he knew to make and was pleased to see him finally stand up for himself and not apologize for those decisions. While I may not have agreed with everything he did I have no doubt that his intentions were for the greater good and this country did not get to where we are at the hands of George Bush alone. He accepted responsibility and he is a good man. I will likewise hold President Obama accountable for the decisions he chooses to make for myself, my family and the nation. I am hopeful that if the choices President Obama makes puts our country in harms way or into further vulnerability (national security or economic), that the masses that created him and called the rest of us ignorant, will hold him to the same criticism and scrutiny that they have done with President Bush. There must come a time of accountability for President Obama and his actions, I am hoping that he is all he claims to be and will afford him the opportunity, without bias, to deliver the hope he seems to believe is missing….for now I hope I am proven wrong.

1 comment:

Critchlow said...

Twighlight movie is great. Book is a little difficult to get through but I am sure the others are much better. I thought it was very creative.

You successfully expressed many of my same sentiments that I didn't even recognize that I had until I read them and was able to relate/understand my feelings about Mr. Obama. Thanks.

I'm not angry but I am also not optomistic. I am cautiously hopeful and fearful at the same time. Elequent? Yes, he is but a doer that is yet to be seen.