Monday, February 25, 2008

busy busy busy

My life has been rather hectic lately. I have finished the 500 wedding invitations I had to complete and a few other things and now I think I will finally be able to get give some more attention to the blog. I read somewhere about a challenge to take "a photo everyday". So I have missed January and most of February but I am trying to take that challenge. I'll try to post a new one on the sidebar everyday. The photo for today is from a little boy I shot this afternoon. Hopefully that will force me to blog everyday! I'm off to Nauvoo this weekend to photograph another wedding. I'm excited to be going back up there and thrilled to be doing another wedding!! Hoping to get some great shots. I have been practicing a bit with my camera on objects other than my children (fake apples don't wiggle) and while I was N was gracious enough to let me snap a few of him. This one was my favorite. He has always had these facial expressions that say so much and this is his {what} expression when {what} is the answer to anything I say....gotta love him.

AND...chocolate frogs tagged me a million years ago so here are my answers...

What were you doing 10 years ago?

Ten years ago? You mean when I could remember ten years ago? If it was February than I was just 6 months into my first “grown-up” job post college as a marketing assistant and preparing for my real estate licensing exam.

What is on your to do list?

What isn’t?

Where are 5 places you've lived?


What are 5 jobs you have had?

Dry Cleaners Clerk (by far my favorite), Marketing Associate, Communications Specialist, Graphic Designer, Real Estate Agent (my least favorite)

What would you do if you became a billionaire?

Join the witness protection program.

Bad Habits?

I bite my finger nails and……

Things that you enjoy?

Being a mom, digital scrapbooking, taking photos, PSCS 2, making gifts, SEWING (who would of thought?), the Backyardigans, listening to D sing to the kids and doing Chicken Fat with N.

I am suppose to tag someone but there is only D left since he still hasn't replied since Critch tagged him weeks ago - maybe now he'll want to play....


Chocolate Frogs said...

ok, you so need to video N doing chicken fat would love to see that.

Chocolate Frogs said...

Love the new picture of N, you are so inspiring me to take my photography up a notch

Chocolate Frogs said...

I think you should tag Jim too.

Chocolate Frogs said...