Tuesday, July 6, 2010

six and toothless

WOW!! He is six??? Really??? He lost one front tooth about 2 1/2 weeks ago and walked around looking like a pirate till the other one finally fell out - I think he looks adorable with no teeth! He still loves cars and the wii and is getting too big. He has always been "older" than he is and he still amazes me with the things he says. He told me the other night he was just wondering about what his kids names would be...what 5 year old thinks about that? He told me after he lost his second tooth that without them "he just didn't feel like himself anymore. I'm just growing up mom." He stills loves to learn and can read a bit when we work. He is always wanting to write and asks me to spell things for him. It seems like every stage has something new to look forward to and something you know you will miss when it passes - I just hope he keeps his spirit of compassion and easy nature when he goes to school. I am hesitant but excited for the growth. I just don't know where the time goes...

It seems as I look back that I only post 4 times between N's birthday - I am going to try better now that things have slowed down a bit....It seems like we just things into a routine when something happens that sends us right out of that routine and back to square one. Baby K has had a few bouts with a mystery fever which landed him in the hospital for two days and after a gazillion tests they are still unsure what exactly it was. It was horrible seeing my newborn with an IV in his head - that's right in his head - thank goodness I wasn't there when they put it in. He is not a crier so to listen to my poor little bug cry so much for two days was almost unbearable. On a brighter note just hours before they sent us home he was obviously feeling much better.
He seriously is the happiest baby alive! I love that he smiles ALL the time. He has been such a joy and I can't believe that we were so lucky to have him join our family. A loves her little brother so much - she is the biggest helper and usually refers to him as her baby. She has amazed me with her attitude with him. I was so afraid she would be jealous but she has not shown any sign that his being here bothers her. It certainly doesn't bother the other four girl cousins he has either - he gets lots of attention and he loves it!! Speaking of the big sister I can't leave her out so here she is in true A fashion pretending to be the "holy ghost"... yeah - between the three of them - we laugh all day.... goodnight....

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