Monday, January 28, 2008


Yesterday President Hinckley, prophet of the LDS Church passed away. Although my heart is heavy I can only imagine the great rejoicing that is happening on the other side. I am humbled to think of a servant returning to his Heavenly Father having accomplished the Fathers will and mission. I spent the morning reflecting on my memories of the prophet and of his teachings.

I think the thing I loved the most about President Hinckley was his truly genuine nature and his sweet humor. Every time he spoke there was no question about his love for his Savior, us and for this gospel. As I thought about President Hinckley today one of his talks stood out in my mind. It was an address from Women’s Conference two years ago. I remember listening to this talk and feeling so much love from him and the love our Heavenly Father has for each of us. I decided that to remember him I would share some of his words from that address:

“…My dear sisters, all of these wonderful qualities which Relief Society stands for represent being encircled eternally in the arms of His love. It is this for which we all wish. It is this for which we all hope. It is this for which we all pray. …I remind you that you are not second-class citizens in the kingdom of God. You are His divine creation. Men hold the priesthood. Yours is a different role, but also extremely important. Without you, our Father's plan of happiness would be frustrated and have no real meaning. You are 50 percent of the membership of the Church and mothers of the other 50 percent. No one can dismiss you lightly. …This is what the Relief Society does for women. It gives them opportunity for growth and development. It gives them status as queens in their own households. It gives them place and position, where they grow as they exercise their talents. It gives them pride and direction in family life. It gives them added appreciation for good, eternal companions and children. What a glorious organization Relief Society is. There is nothing to compare with it in all the world.” -- Gordon B. Hinckley, 2006


Critchlow said...

I too have had wonderful experiences that have grown my testimony of the Church and the office of the prophet through Gordon B. Hinckley. It was only last Sunday- the night of his death that I read the BYU Magazine article of his devotional in Sept. It was all about the 13th article of faith.

In truth though, his passing was no surprise and call me heartless death doesn't affect me. It did once with my grandmother's passing and then I realized it is so much better than living in the trenches down here. After that experience I find death comforting. This I think has resulting in making it tough for me to mourn with those that mourn...but I honestly look forward to death and think it is the greatest blessing offered after a fruitful life. Children are an entire different story.

Thanks for your thoughts and reflections. I have decided to pay far more attention to the living prophet and his teachings- after all they are the mouth piece of God in my day. I'd better listen more closely.

Chocolate Frogs said...

I enjoyed reading your post, thanks, I like that quote. Harrison has been packing "Prophet Hinkley's" picture from the Newspaper around.

Daniel and Kerri said...

Pres. Hinckley truly was a remarkable man and he truly did return with honor. He set a wonderful example and hope I can only exemplify just some of his qualities. Thanks for your post it was awesome. Kerri